Pure Mathematics

  • zhaotong@gucas.ac.cn
  • Created: 2012-04-24
Differential Geometry Group:
The main research directions are global differential geometry, geometry analysis and submanifold geometry. In particular, we research more on minimal surfaces, extremal metric , isoparametric hypersurface and harmonic maps etc.
These researches are supported by chongdian and mianshang projects of National Nature Science Foundation and scientific knowledge innovation projects of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Algebra Group:
The research of Algebra Group focuses on Algebraic K-Theory, especially on algebraic K-Theory of group rings, structure of group rings as well as classical groups and their K-theory.
The research group is supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China.
Geometry Group: Professor Jiagui Peng, Professor Liang Xiao, Professor  Xiaoxiang Jiao,   Associate Professor Yingyi Wu
Algebra Group: Professor Guoping Tang
Analysis Group: Professor Dunyan Yan, Associate Professor Yijing Sun, Doctor Gang Wu, Doctor Gang Meng, Doctor Fusheng Deng.