Dr.Zhihui Xie,Derivation of Nonlinear Sc...

  • wujing@ucas.ac.cn
  • 创建时间: 2013-03-05
Speaker: Dr.Zhihui Xie,University of Texas at Austin

Inviter: 尚在久 研究员

Title: Derivation of Nonlinear Schr?dinger equation (NLS) from many-body interactions

Time & Venue: 2013.3.8 3:00pm S703


The nonlinear dispersive equations attracted a lot of attention of mathematical community during the last decade, which emphasizes importance of making their derivation rigorous. 
In this talk, we look at the derivation of a certain type of NLS from many-body interactions of bosonic particles with many-body interactions. 
We establish convergence of the BBGKY to the (Gross-Pitaevskii) GP hierarchy by adapting the arguments originated from the work of Erd?s-Schlein-Yau. 
While for the proof of uniqueness on factorized solutions to the infinite GP hierarchy, we expand the so called "board game" approach introduced by Klainerman-Machedon.